Friday, March 28, 2008

Customer Spotlight, Steve 'Popeye' Mansfield

Hey guys, well here is the first customer spotlight. I will have more and more of these as you guys send those pics to me, so keep'em coming! Anyways, here is the swollest 56 year old I have ever seen.

Steve 'Popeye' Mansfield

This dude is 5'10", 235lbs, 56 years old, and 6% body fat!!

Do you really have to ask why his nickname is popeye?

When asked about his training and what supplements he likes he gave me the following e-mail:

My name is Steve Mansfield and I am 56 years old. I have a five year Bachelor of Science degree in health and fitness with a thirty year continuum of postgraduate studies in related fields. My philosophy of training stems from earlier studies concerning the physiology of production of both testosterone and HGH. A further study in the inflammation response to muscle growth continues to drive me to train intense enough to create trauma to the targeted muscles. I seldom allow myself to play the numbers game of throwing up heavy weights. Instead, most workouts are spent in high intense volume training with the goal of inducing extreme muscular trauma. I have utilized pretty much all the philosophies of lifting in pursuit of muscular failure. Upon reaching muscular failure I try not to stop there. I continue partial reps in that angle of movement where there is still strength left in the targeted muscle. To keep the muscle under the full affect of gravity I seldom use a full range of motion. Furthermore, full range of motion stresses the connective tissues resulting in a host of over use syndromes. I always keep the range of motion relative to maintaining the stress in the targeted muscle. With each rep I contract the targeted muscle first, feeling that muscle contraction move the weight. I flex all the way through the concentric phase. At the end of the concentric phase I flex the muscle hard as if on stage posing. While returning the weight I never let gravity have its way. Instead, I always flex the weight back down utilizing the eccentric phase of the rep. I seldom rest between sets. For example--while working pecs I might pre-exhaust with cable cross over to complete failure.

Without any rest I will move to a flat bench dumbbell bench press doing that to complete failure. From there I move to dips for the chest, again, without any rest. Then I drop to the floor and do crunchers for the abs to failure, followed by reverse crunchers to total failure. The time spent doing abs allows some recovery for my chest. Once abs is finished I immediately start this compound set offer at the cable cross over. I pretty much approach every muscle group this way, with only a few exceptions. This is very intense training that totally exhausts the targeted muscles. Therefore, creating a huge demand for test and HGH, as well resulting in inflammation. In fact, I have to monitor the inflammation but I seldom take an anti-inflammatory. I want my body to know it needs repair. However, at times I have to resort to active release and deep tissue massage to help with recovery from excess inflammation. Training this way also keeps the cardio up and helps me to stay under 8 percent body fats year round. I do not believe in bulking up phases. For me, bulking up is just another excuse to eat more cheesecake and Twinkies. I eat clean year round with a cheat day coming about every ten days. I am currently at 235 ponds and 6.5% body fat. I also do mild cardio 3-5 times weekly for 30 minutes to an hour.

My favorite thermogenic for contest prep is Get Anabolics
Triatherm. It is amazing. At my age I have to keep my test up and nothing out there can top Get Anabolics Cortesten. My first two weeks on Cortesten I went from 7.1% to 6.5% fats adding wicked cross striations on the sweep of the quads and the tear drop as well. People keep asking me if I am stepping on stage. I am currently looking forward to trying more products from Get Anabolics such as Finabol. Wow! I am excited about that product! Stay tuned as I expect some great gains as I make the shift to Get Anabolics great products. Steve ‘Popeye” Mansfield

I will have more customer spotlights as I get them. To see only the customer spotlight section of my blog click the customer spotlight label below to separate them all.

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