Tuesday, July 24, 2018

IF Recomp Diet Part 2

This is a five step recomp diet. This will cut you up and permanently help you put on mass while staying lean. You need to do Part 1 before moving to this phase. 

Step 4: Long Intermittent Fasting
After you have gotten use to Intermittent Fasting (IF), you can switch to Long Intermittent Fasting (LIF). For this protocol you will LIF once or twice a week. There are a couple of ways you can do it. For example

24 Hour Fast
This typically means stop eating @ 8 pm on Monday. On Tuesday you skip breakfast and lunch. Then you eat dinner @ 8 pm. 

36 Hour Fast
This typically means stop eating @ 8 pm on Monday. On Tuesday you don't eat anything. On Wednesday you break the fast with lunch @ 12 pm.

You can set up any day to do the fasts. I don't recommend doing more than 2 IF per week. I usually set it up to be a day I am not working out. Do not workout the day you have done a LIF until you get use to it because you will be very very tired.



Make sure you get enough salt and potassium when fasting. Usually it should be about 300 mg of potassium and 3,000 mg of sodium for every liter of water you drink and drink A LOT OF WATER!

For every liter of water you drink make sure to take the following:

Potassium Gluconate
1 tsp of Potassium Gluconate mixed in 1/4 cup of water, just drink it fast.

Sodium Chloride
1 tablet

Sodium Bicarbonate
1 tablet

After you have done this diet for a while and use to it (Anywhere from 2 weeks to a month) move onto Part 3.

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