Wednesday, July 25, 2018

IF Recomp Diet Part 1

This is a five step recomp diet. This will cut you up and permanently help you put on mass while staying lean. This diet isn't for everyone.

If you are an Ectomorph don't follow this diet. You need to focus on eating a lot of calories and protein. If you are Mesomorph or Endomorph this diet is for you.

Step 1: Protein
Protein: Minimum protein is .85-1g per lb of bodyweight per day

Step 2: Intermittent Fasting

For Intermittent Fasting (IF) you will be fasting most of the day. Doing this will help you burn off more fat as well as put on muscle when you do eat. For example

16/8: Fast for 16 hours, 8 hour eating window
This typically means stop eating @ 8 pm, skip breakfast and your first meal @ 12 pm. Then you can eat between 12 pm-8 pm.

Make sure to keep breaking your fast at around the same time every day. That way your body gets use to it. After you are use to it, you will find that you won't be hungry until the time you normally eat.

Step 3: Daily Macro Cycling

You will be eating less carbs on the days you don't work out and eat more on the days you do. When you eat carbs again do it only Post Workout. 

Non-workout meals
Most of the time you will be eating low carb, high protein and high fat. 

Burgers without the bun
Low Carb Tuna Melt: Low carb tortillas with tuna, mayo and cheese then grill it like grilled cheese
Dark Meat Chicken
Low Carb Sandwiches: Low carb tortilla with ham and cheese and mayo
Andouille Sausages
Taco Bowl: Same ingredients for tacos just eat in a bowl
All veggies except peas, corn and all potatoes since they are high carb
Nuts: Macademia Nuts, Almonds, Sunflower Seeds. No other Nuts
All Berries
No bananas, apples, pears and watermelon

Post Workout
For up to 2 hours after your workout you will eat carbs post workout meal example. This should be your biggest meal of the day. It should be high carb, high protein and low fat: 

Light Meat Chicken
Lean meats
Bananas, apples, pears and watermelon 

After you have done this diet for a while and use to it (Maybe a week or shorter) move onto Part 2.

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